Mapping & Geocoding#

Making Interactive Maps#

To map our geocoded coordinates, we’re going to use the Python library Folium. Folium is built on top of the popular JavaScript library Leaflet.

To install and import Folium, run the cells below:

import folium

Base Map#

First, we need to establish a base map. This is where we’ll map our geocoded Ithaca locations. To do so, we’re going to call folium.Map()and enter the general latitude/longitude coordinates of the Ithaca area at a particular zoom.

(To find latitude/longitude coordintes for a particular location, you can use Google Maps, as described here.)

CCDR_map = folium.Map(location=[20,0], zoom_start=2.5)
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Add a Marker#

Adding a marker to a map is easy with Folium! We’ll simply call folium.Marker() at a particular lat/lon, enter some text to display when the marker is clicked on, and then add it to our base map.

folium.Marker(location=[28.3949,84.1240], popup="Nepal").add_to(CCDR_map)
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Choropleth Maps#

To create a chropleth map with Folium, we need to pair a “geo.json” file (which indicates which parts of the map to shade) with a CSV file (which includes the variable that we want to shade by).

import pandas as pd
world_boundaries = (


CCDR_map = folium.Map(location=(20, 0), zoom_start=3, tiles="cartodb positron")
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CCDR_countries = pd.read_csv("../_static/CCDR_countries.csv")
ISO3 Status Name Date
0 PAK 3 Pakistan October 2022
1 NPL 3 Nepal November 2022
2 BGD 3 Bangladesh December 2022
3 KHM 3 Cambodia February 2023
4 IND 3 India April 2023
5 BFA 3 Burkina Faso January 2023
6 MLI 3 Mali January 2023
7 NER 3 Niger January 2023
8 TCD 3 The Chad January 2023
9 GHA 3 Ghana December 2022
10 MRT 3 Mauritania January 2023
11 GNB 3 Guinea-Bissau February 2023
12 NGA 3 Nigeria January 2023
13 SEN 3 Senegal May 2023
14 ETH 3 Ethiopia December 2022
15 RWA 3 Rwanda May 2023
16 DOM 3 Dominican Republic April 2023
17 ATG 3 Antigua & Barbuda September 2023
18 DMA 3 Dominica September 2023
19 KNA 3 Saint Kitts & Nevis September 2023
20 LCA 3 Saint Lucia September 2023
21 GRD 3 Grenada September 2023
22 VCT 3 Saint Vincent & Grenadines September 2023
23 THA 3 Thailand November 2023
24 MYS 3 Malaysia February 2024
25 MNG 1 Mongolia March 2024
26 PHL 0 Philippines April 2024
CCDR_map = folium.Map(location=[20,0], zoom_start=2.5)

bins = [0, 1, 2, 3]

    geo_data = world_boundaries,
    name = "Countries covered by CCDR-tools analytics",
    data = CCDR_countries,
    columns = ['ISO3','Status'],
    key_on = '',
    bins = [float(x) for x in bins],
    fill_color = 'RdYlGn',
    fill_opacity = 0.7,
    line_opacity = 0,
    nan_fill_color = "none",
    legend_name = 'Countries covered',
    style_function=lambda feature: {
        "fillColor": step(country_dict[feature["id"]]),
        "color": "black",
        "weight": 2,

tooltip = folium.features.GeoJson(
    tooltip=folium.features.GeoJsonTooltip(fields=['name', 'pop_est', 'economy', 'income_grp'],
                                           aliases=['Country', 'Population', 'Economy', 'Income'],


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import branca

legend_html = '''
{% macro html(this, kwargs) %}
<div style="
    position: fixed; 
    bottom: 25px;
    left: 25px;
    width: 150px;
    height: 120px;
    <p><a style="color:#91cf60;font-size:150%;margin-left:20px;">&#9632;</a>&emsp;Completed</p>
    <p><a style="color:#ffffbf;font-size:150%;margin-left:20px;">&#9632;</a>&emsp;Ongoing</p>
    <p><a style="color:#fc8d59;font-size:150%;margin-left:20px;">&#9632;</a>&emsp;Planned</p>
<div style="
    position: fixed; 
    bottom: 25px;
    left: 25px;
    width: 150px;
    height: 120px; 
    background-color: #ffffff;

    opacity: 0.7;
{% endmacro %}
legend = branca.element.MacroElement()
legend._template = branca.element.Template(legend_html)
CCDR_map = folium.Map(location=[20,0], tiles="cartodbpositron", zoom_start=2.5)

bins = [0, 1, 2, 3]

choropleth = folium.Choropleth(
    geo_data = world_boundaries,
    name = "Countries covered by CCDR-tools analytics",
    data = CCDR_countries,
    columns = ['ISO3','Status'],
    key_on = '',
    bins = [float(x) for x in bins],
    fill_color = 'RdYlGn',
    fill_opacity = 0.7,
    line_opacity = 0.2,
    nan_fill_color = "none",

for key in choropleth._children:
    if key.startswith('color_map'):


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outfp = "maps/CCDR_map.html"