Vulnerability DB schema

The vulnerability schema includes physical fragility and vulnerability relationships (single and multi-hazard curves) and will be extended to include socioeconomic indicators and indexes. The schema distinguishes key information describing the function, including: - function type (i.e fragility, vulnerability, damage-to-loss); - development approach (empirical, analytical, judgement, hybrid, code-based); - mathematical model used (including exponential, cumulative lognormal/normal); - the intensity measure and asset type the function relates to; - loss parameter / engineering demand parameter values.

It also defines the countries for which the function was developed, to provide guidance on geographic relevance when applying a function. All data is stored with metadata focussed on providing the information required to assess its suitably for risk modelling projects - including source, licence, development method, units, and hazard processes it relates to.

The schema consists of three base tables (f_core, f_specifics, and f_additional) and five supporting tables (f_scoring, damage_scale, edp_table, lp_table, reference_table). The vulnerbaility schema is linked to the cf_Common tables, which contain supports consistency across the four schema.

Screenshot ERD (vulnerability schema): vulnerability table contents (purple) and links to common tables (yellow).

Table: mover.f_core

The f_core table comprises data fields for recording all necessary fragility function attributes required by a user to reproduce the function. It also comprises fields that contain useful information for the scoring the fragility functions (which can be recorded in the f_scoring table). Separate entries are made for fragility functions associated with different damage states. The data schema permits recording of the functional form and parameters of fragility functions, but is also flexible enough to also allow the entry of discrete forms of fragility representation, i.e. damage probability matrices (DPM).

Req Field name Type Reference table Description
* id INT Unique number ID
* hazard_type_primary VARCHAR cf_common.hazard_type Primary hazard involved
hazard_type_secondary VARCHAR cf_common.hazard_type Secondary hazard involved
* process_type_primary VARCHAR cf_common.process_type Primary process involved
process_type_secondary VARCHAR cf_common.process_type Secondary process involved
* occupancy ENUM cf_common.occupancy_enum Type of occupancy
taxonomy_source VARCHAR Source of taxonomy
taxonomy VARCHAR Name of taxonomy
* asset_type VARCHAR ged4all.asset Type of asset
asset_notes VARCHAR Additional info on asset
* country_iso VARCHAR 3-char country code(s), comma separated
applicability_notes VARCHAR Specific sub-area within a country and/or region.
* scale_applicability ENUM mover.scale_app_enum Administrative level of application
* function_type ENUM mover.function_type_enum Type of function: Fragility or Vulnerability or Damaga-to-loss
approach ENUM mover.f_subtype_enum Type of methodological approach
* f_relationship ENUM mover.f_relationship_enum Type of relationship: Mathematical or Discrete
f_math ENUM mover.f_math_enum Parametric or bespoke
f_math_model ENUM mover.f_mathtype_enum Type of mathematical model
bespoke_model_ref VARCHAR Reference study of the bespoke model
* f_reference VARCHAR Literature article or report
* licence_code VARCHAR cf_common.license Type of licence
licence_reference VARCHAR Url associated with licence

Table: mover.f_specifics

The f_specifics table comprises data fields for recording specific optional details of the fragility function.

Req Field name Type Reference table Description
* f_specifics_id INT Unique number ID
par_names VARCHAR Parameters values names Example: MIDR , Ash depth
ub_par_value VARCHAR Upper bound parameters value (Value1; Value2)
ub_par_perc VARCHAR Upper bound parameters percentiles (Perc1; Perc2)
med_par_value VARCHAR Median parameter values (Med1; Med2)
lb_par_value VARCHAR Lower bound parameters value (Value1; Value2)
lb_par_perc VARCHAR Lower bound parameters percentiles (Perc 1;Perc 2)
damage_scale_code VARCHAR Code that identifies the damage scale
dm_state_name ENUM mover.damage_states_all_enum Damage states studied in the reference study of the function
n_dm_states CHAR(1) Number of damage states studied in the reference study of the function
f_disc_im VARCHAR Intensity measure values for the characterization of discrete functions
f_disc_ep VARCHAR This field lists the associated exceeded probability values to the IM values of the previous field
lp_code VARCHAR
lp_loss_value VARCHAR
edp_cpde VARCHAR Code related to specific engineering demand parameter (EDP) used to the DS thresholds
edp_name VARCHAR Specific engineering demand parameter (EDP) used to the DS thresholds
edp_dmstate_thre VARCHAR Specific damage state EDP threshold
im_code VARCHAR Code of intensity measure
im_name VARCHAR Name of intensity measure
im_range VARCHAR Range of intensity measures as min;max (e.g. 0;500)
im_units VARCHAR Unit of intensity measrue
im_method ENUM mover.im_method_enum Type of source of the im data
im_sim_type ENUM mover.sim_method_enum Type of simulation, Physics-based or IMPE
impe_referenec VARCHAR Reference study of the IMPE simulation
data_countries VARCHAR ISO code(s) of countries to which data refer
im_data_source VARCHAR Reference studies for the IM data sources
n_events INT Number of events the function has been built on
n_assets INT Number of assets the function has been built on

Table: mover.f_additional

The f_additional table comprises data fields for recording additional, optional specific attributes of the fragility function that helps to understand the analysis which generated the function.

Req Field name Type Reference table Description
* f_additional_id INT Unique number ID
* nonsampling_err ENUM mover.nonsampling_err_enum Is there sampling error?
type_nonsampling_err ENUM mover.type_nonsampling_err_enum Type of non sampling error
is_fix_nonsam_err BOOLEAN Has non sampling error being fixed?
is_data_aggregated BOOLEAN Has data been aggregated?
n_data_points_aggr INT Number of aggregated data points used for the evaluation of data quality
is_data_disaggr BOOLEAN Has data been disaggregated?
an_analysis_type ENUM mover.an_analysis_type_enum Type of analysis for Analytical functions
em_analysis_type ENUM mover.em_analysis_type_enum Type of analysis for Empirical functions
jd_analysis_type ENUM mover.jd_analysis_type_enum Type of analysis for Judgement functions
is_fit_good BOOLEAN Is the fit good overall?
fit_ref ENUM mover.fit_ref_enum Reference model for fitting
val_data_source VARCHAR If validation has been done, source of the independent data
val_study_reference VARCHAR Reference of the Validation study
sample ENUM mover.sample_enum Type of sampling

Table: mover.f_scoring

The f_scoring_ table provides a recording and scoring geogrpahic relevance of vulnerability and fragility functions to one or more countries - i.e. a function developed for a particular country is highly relevant for that country and less relevant for other countries where the building stock differs.

Req Field name Type Reference table Description
* id INT Unique number ID
* f_core_id INT mover.f_core ID of the function
* geo_applicability VARCHAR ISO code(s) of countries to which the data applies. Can be different from countries of model development, has associated score of geographic relevance
* geographic_relevance_score ENUM mover.geographic_relevance_score_enum How well the data applies to the countries of application

Table: mover.damage_scale

The damage_scale_ table provides details on damage scales. The dm_scale_ table is called upon by the Fragility Function module.

Req Field name Type Reference table Description
* id INT Unique number ID
asset_type VARCHAR ged4all.asset Type of asset
occupancy ENUM cf_common.occupancy_enum Type of occupancy
hazard_type VARCHAR cf_common.hazard_type Type of hazard
process_type VARCHAR cf_common.process_type Type of hazard process
asset_notes VARCHAR Additional info on asset
taxonomy_source VARCHAR Source of taxonomy
taxonomy VARCHAR Name of taxonomy
* n_dm_states CHAR(1) Number of damage states that the damage scale studies
* dm_states_id VARCHAR Lists all the damage states as they are identified in the specific damage scale, e.g. 1;2;3;4
* dm_states_name VARCHAR List all damage states names as they are identified in the specific damage scale, e.g. 1;2;3;4. Different damage scales will have different names associated to a damage state
damage_scale_name VARCHAR Name of the damage scale in use
damage_scale_code VARCHAR Code to identify the damage scale
damage_scale_type ENUM mover.dm_scale_ty_enum Type of damage scale in use
dm_scale_reference VARCHAR Reference study of the damage scale (Author_Years e.g. Crowley et al_2004)
* is_edp_thre BOOLEAN Is the damage scale is associated to an EDP threshold?
* is_dm_factor BOOLEAN Is the damage scale is associated to a damage factor?
* is_casualties BOOLEAN Is the damage scale is associated to a casualties estimation?
* is_downtime BOOLEAN Is the damage scale is associated to a downtime estimation (e.g. service interruption)?

Table: mover.edp_table

The edp_table provides details of Engineering Demand Parameters (EDP) for analytical fragility functions. The edp_table is called upon by the Fragility Function module. In analytical approaches, Engineering Demand Parameters (EDP) are typically used as a proxy of damage level, with EDPs chosen such that they are indicative of the damage state of the entire asset. For instance, in earthquake engineering ranges of values of roof drift or inter-storey drift are commonly adopted to represent specific damage states.

Req Field name Type Reference table Description
* edp_code VARCHAR Unique alphanumeric code
edp_name VARCHAR Engineering Demand Parameter (EDP) name (e.g. peak flow acceleration)
* description VARCHAR Engineering Demand Parameter (EDP) description
units VARCHAR Unit of measure of the EDP

Table: mover.lp_table

The lp_table_ describes Loss Parameters (LP) and the units used to describe the loss in a vulnerability curve.

Req Field name Type Reference table Description
* lp_code VARCHAR Loss parameter unique code
lp_name VARCHAR Loss parameter name
* description VARCHAR Loss parameter description
units VARCHAR Unit of measure of the LP

Table: mover.reference_table

The reference_table_ stores all the information necessary to identify reference studies associated to the functions, damage scales, and intensity measures contained in the schema. It is designed to provide the user with a complete bibliography of the reference studies consulted during the data entry process.

Req Field name Type Reference table Description
* author_year VARCHAR Reference study of the damage scale (Author_Year e.g. Crowley et al_2004)
* title VARCHAR Title of the publication
issn VARCHAR International Standard Serial Number associated with reference
doi VARCHAR Digital Object Identifier url associated with reference


Includes 17 types related to the definitions and formulas of IM, damage scales, EDPs, and loss parameters are provided in the following sections to facilitate data entry, as these are adopted in pre-populated drop-down menus. Some sub-types apply only to certain main types.

ENUM name Types Description
  • Fragility
  • Vulnerability
  • Damage-to-Loss
Type of function
  • Mathematical
  • Discrete
Type of relationship
  • Empirical
  • Analytical
  • Judgement
  • Hybrid - Analytical/Empirical
  • Hybrid - Analytical/Judgement
  • Hybrid - Empirical/Judgement
  • Hybrid - Analytical HF/LF
  • Code - based
Approach used to build the function

HF = High Fidelity
LF = Low Fidelity
  • Recorded
  • Surveyed
  • Simulated
  • Unknown
Method for collecting the intensity measure
  • Advanced
  • Simplified
  • N/a
Type of analysis for Analytical functions
  • Least squares
  • GLM
  • GAM
  • N/a
Type of analysis for Empirical functions
  • Parametric
  • Bespoke
  • N/a
Types of models that apply to Empirical functions
  • Delphi
  • Cookes
  • N/a
Type of analysis for Judgment functions
  • Cumulative Lognormal
  • Cumulative Normal
  • Exponential
  • Bespoke
  • DtL - Beta PDF
  • DtL - Normal PDF
  • DtL - Lognormal PDF
  • DtL - Uniform PDF
  • DtL - Bespoke PDF
  • N/a
Mathematical model utilized for the derivation of the function

Dtl = Damage-to-loss
  • Physics-based
  • IMPE
Type of simulation
  • Existing
  • Bespoke
  • Unknown
Type of damage scale
  • AIC
  • BIC
  • Kolmogorov-Smirnov
Reference model for fitting
  • Country (Level 0)
  • Sub-country (Level 1)
  • Local (Level 2)
  • Asset (Level 3)
Geographic scale applicability
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Needs improvement
  • Unusable
Overall performance quality for geographic context
  • Single-asset class
  • Multi-assets classes
  • Single-asset
Type of sampling approach
  • Yes
  • No
  • Unknown
Is there a non-sampling error?
  • Under coverage
  • Incomplete data
  • Measurement error
  • Unknown
Type of non-sampling error
  • No damage
  • Light damage
  • Minor damage
  • Moderate damage
  • Major damage
  • Heavy damage
  • Complete damage
  • Collapsed
  • Washed away
  • Not applicable
Range of damage states

(DEV NOTE: supposedly to include all damage states from all functions included; this is not sustainable)