Hazard DB schema

The hazard schema stores hazard scenario footprints and probabilistic hazard maps for multiple hazards. Hazards can be further defined into process types, each with a defined intensity unit as in cf_common.imt. For example, earthquake hazard may be represented as ground shaking, liquefaction or ground displacement.

The data structure contains entities nested as follows:

Event_set ( Event ( Footprint_set ( Footprint ( Footprint_data) ) ) )

The "Event set" stores one or more scenarios for a specific hazard. One "Event" represents one specific scenario (e.g. RP100, or one historical event). For each Event, one more "Footprint_set" can be available. This is a container for one or several "Footprints" where each is one possible realisation of an event. Uncertainty in the event characteristics and hazard footprint can be represented explicitly, through the inclusion of multiple events in an event set, and many footprints per event. Hazard footprints can be linked to another 'trigger event' footprint to represent cascading hazards. Hazard footprints can be assigned an occurrence frequency, and can represent a scenario footprint or return period hazard map. Inclusion of an event start and end time enables description of long-duration events.

Screenshot ERD (hazard schema): hazard table contents (red) and links to common tables (yellow).

Table: hazard.event_set

The "event.set" entity contains information on a set of events for a given area, with event set duration, description, bibliography and defines the event set as probabilistic or deterministic.

Req Field name Type Reference table Description
* id INT Unique number ID
* hazard_type VARCHAR cf_common.hazard_type Unique 2-char code
* creation_date date The date of creation [ISO 8601 format]
time_start timestamp The time at which the modelled scenario(s) starts [ISO 8601 format]
time_end timestamp The time at which the modelled scenario(s) ends [ISO 8601 format]
time_duration interval The extent of the time period covered by the events included in the current scenario hazard analysis [ISO 8601 format]
description TEXT General information about this specific scenario hazard analysis
bibliography TEXT Title and authors of studies containing relevant information
* is_prob BOOL Wheter the event set represents a probabilistic (TRUE) or a deterministic (FALSE) analysis.
* the_geom GEOM Associated geometry data (bounding box of data)

Table: hazard.event

The "Event" entity contains information about one specific scenario or hazard map included in an "Event Set". The information comprises event duration, occurrence probability or frequency, the hazard and process type, a link to a possible triggering event (for cascading events) and a text description for more context about magnitude, for example.

Req Field name Type Reference table Description
* id INT Unique number ID
* event_set_id INT hazard.event_set Unique number ID of source exposure model
* calculation_method ENUM The methodology used for the calculation of this event
frequency FLOAT The frequency of occurrence of the present event (for the reference period see occurrence_time_span or occurrence_time_start and occurrence_time_end).
occurrence_probability FLOAT The probability of occurrence in a given time interval defined either through the occurrence_time_start and occurrence_time_end or through the occurrence_time_span parameter. [float, adimensional]]
occurence_time_start timestamp The start date (and possibly time) of the time period used to specify either the frequency or the occurrence_probability [ISO 8601 format]
occurence_time_end timestamp The end date (and possibly time) of the time period used to specify either the frequency or the occurrence_probability [ISO 8601 format]
occurence_time_span interval The duration (years) of the period used to specify either the frequency or the occurrence_probability
trigger_hazard_type VARCHAR cf_common.hazard_type Hazard type that triggered the event
trigger_process_type VARCHAR cf_common.process_type Process type that triggered the event
trigger_event_id INT The ID of a event which is trigger for the simulation of the corresponding footprints
description TEXT Provides additional information about this specific event

Table: hazard.footprint_set

The "Footprint set" entity contains a sub-group of the "Footprints" computed for an "Event"; all the "Footprint" in a "Footprint Set" have the same unit of measure, represent the same process type and their uncertainty is described in a homogenous way. Every "Footprint Set" instance will have the following attributes.

Req Field name Type Reference table Description
* id INT Unique number ID
* event_id INT hazard.event The event.id parameter to which this footprint is associated
* process_type VARCHAR cf_common.process_type The typology of hazard process
* imt VARCHAR Intensity measure types
data_uncertainty VARCHAR This attribute describes the typology of uncertainty

Table: hazard.footprint

The "Footprint" entity contains information on a specific realisation of an "Event". The uncertainty of a particular event is captured either by the construction of many footprints or by a single footprint which contains information about uncertainty.

Req Field name Type Reference table Description
* id INT Unique number ID
* footprint_set_id INT hazard.footprint_set The footprint_set.id parameter to which this footprint is associated
trigger_footprint INT
uncertainty_2nd_moment FLOAT

Table: hazard.footprint_data

The "Footprint_data" entity contains the footprint data: the value of intensity according to the intensity measure (IMT) described in "Footprint set", and the point location of the intensity value.

Req Field name Type Reference table Description
* id INT Unique number ID
* footprint_id INT hazard.footprint The footprint.id parameter to which this footprint data is associated
* the_geom GEOM Associated geometry data (point location)
* intensity FLOAT The hazad process intensity value in the IMT described in "Footprint set"


ENUM name Types Description
  • Inferred
  • Simulated
  • Observed
Type of calculation method applied to produce hazard footprint.