Loss DB schema

The modelled loss schema enables return period loss estimates and annual average loss to be stored and linked to a geographic unit. Loss datasets can be directly linked to the hazard, exposure, and vulnerability datasets which were used to create the modelled losses via fields in loss.model. The dataset also summarises the exposure and hazard types to which the losses relate, independent of those links.

Enumerated types provide consistent categories for referencing losses as: - Category: Buildings, Contents, Direct Damage to other Asset, or Business Interruption - Frequency: Return Period, Probability of exceedance, or Rate of exceedance - Loss type: Ground Up (economic) or Insured - Metric: Annual average loss, Annual average loss ratio, or Probable maximum loss.

Each model has any number of loss maps which in turn have any number of geospatially referenced loss values. The meta-data in the loss map table describes the type of losses, occupancy, return period, metric used and so on. Similarly, a model can also have any number of loss curve maps, with any number of geospatially referenced loss curve value arrays. The associated loss and loss curve values may optionally include an asset reference to link to elements from an exposure model.

Screenshot ERD (modeled loss schema): loss table contents (violet) and links to common tables (yellow). The schema includes a SQL view (pink).

Table: loss.model

Each entry in this table represents a single loss model, describing the hazard and process, and data used to generate the losses.

Req Field name Type Reference table Description
* id INT Unique number ID
* name VARCHAR loss.model Name of source model
description TEXT Description of source model
hazard_type VARCHAR hazard.hazard_type 2-digit code
process_type VARCHAR hazard.process_type 3-digit code
hazard_link VARCHAR
exposure_link VARCHAR
vulnerability_link VARCHAR

Table: loss.map

Each entry in this table represents a collection of loss values with unit and loss type and metric, for a given occupancy type, return period and loss component (building, contents) produced by a loss model. Loss exceedance curves are contained elsewhere, in loss.curve_map.

Req Field name Type Reference table Description
* id INT Unique number ID
* loss_model_id INT loss.model Unique number ID of source loss model
* occupancy cf_common.occupancy_enum Destination of use of the asset
* component loss.component_enum Type of affected component (e.g. buildings)
* loss_type loss.loss_type_enum Type of loss (e.g. ground-up)
return_period INT Number of return period in years
* units VARCHAR Cost unit of measure
* metric loss.metric_enum Type of loss metric (e.g. AAL)

Table: loss.map_values

Each entry in this table represents the loss value and location of the value, with the value relating to the information in loss.map.

Req Field name Type Reference table Description
* id BIGINT Unique number ID
* loss_map_id INT loss.map Unique number ID of reference loss map
asset_ref VARCHAR Alphanumeric code that identifies asset from exposure model
* loss FLOAT Loss value in the unit specified in loss_map
* the_geom GEOM Associated geometry

Table: loss.curve_map

Each entry in this table represents a collection of loss exceedance curves associated with the loss model. It describes the unit, type and metric of the loss, which is provided for a given occupancy type, and loss component (building, contents) produced by a loss model.

Req Field name Type Reference table Description
* id INT Unique number ID
* loss_model_id INT loss.model Unique number ID of reference loss model
* occupancy cf_common.occupancy_enum Destination of use of the asset
* component loss.component_enum Component affected by loss
* loss_type loss.loss_type_enum Type of loss
* frequency loss.frequency_enum Frequency representation type
investigation_time INT Investigation time in years (required if frequency is different from 'Return Period')
* units VARCHAR Unit of measure of loss (e.g. USD, tons, etc)

Table: loss.curve_map_values

Each entry in this table provides the values for a loss esceedance curve and location to which the curve relates, with the value relating to the information in loss.curve_map.

Req Field name Type Reference table Description
* id BIGINT Unique number ID
* loss_curve_map_id INT loss.map Unique number ID of reference loss curve map
asset_ref VARCHAR Alphanumeric code that identifies asset from exposure model
* losses VARCHAR Loss values in the unit specified in loss_curve_map
* rates FLOAT Rate values associates with losses
* the_geom GEOM Associated geometry


Includes 4 types including the options for asset categories to which loss refers to, how the frequency is expressed, what is the metric in use and the types of losses.

ENUM name Types Description
  • Buildings
  • Indicator
  • Infrastructure
  • Crops, livestock and forestry
Types of possible asset categories, consistent with the exposure schema. Indicators refers for example to population density or GDP; infrastructure refers for example to roads, or electricity grid.
  • Rate of Exceedence
  • Probability of Exceedence
  • Return Period
How the frequency value reported in loss.curve_map is expressed.
  • AAL
  • AALR
  • PML
Type of loss metric used in loss.curve_map and loss.map

AAL = Annual Average Losses
AALR = Average Annual Loss Ratio
PML = Probable Maximal Loss (also known as Return Period Loss)
  • Ground Up
  • Insured
Type of losses in loss.curve_map and loss.map.