Common tables

Each schema has specific tables, but as part of the database schema harmonization process, the cf_common schema contains tables that are shared among each schema. This ensures consistent hazard naming, intensity parameters and licences within each schema.

Table: cf_common.contribution

The hazard.contribution table includes general information about the dataset, such as the name of the source model which identifies the data, the name of project that produced the data, the purpose of the data, additional notes, model version (for data version control) and data license.

Req Field name Type Reference table Description
* id INT Unique number ID
* component ENUM cf_common.component_enum Unique number ID
* set_id INT Unique number ID of set
* model_source VARCHAR Name of source model
* model_date DATE Model release date
project VARCHAR Project under which data has been produced
purpose TEXT Purpose for what the data has been produced
notes TEXT Details about the dataset
bibliography TEXT Title and authors of documents containing relevant information
version VARCHAR Version of the dataset
* geo_coverage VARCHAR cf_common.iso ISO code(s) of countries covered by the dataset, comma-separated
* contributed_at timestamp Date of contribution
* license_code VARCHAR cf_common.license Type of license
* publish BOOLEAN Show/Hide dataset from webpage

Five additional tables provide the code and name for specific hazard and process, intensity measures, license types and country coverage.

  1. The cf_common.hazard_type table contains the hazard codes and related names.
  2. The cf_common.process_type table contains the process type codes and related names (each hazard may have more than one process).
  3. The cf_common.imt table contains the intensity measure for each process and its description.
  4. The cf_common.license table provides a list of supported open-data licenses and url for more detailed information.
  5. The cf_common.iso table lists the ISO 3166 alpha-3 codes for countries, to specify datasets coverage.
Table name Required Field name Type Description
cf_common.hazard_type * code VARCHAR Unique 2-char code
* name VARCHAR Name of hazard
------------------------------- ----------------- --------------------- ---------------- -----------------------------------------
cf_common.process_type * hazard_code VARCHAR Unique 2-char code
* code VARCHAR Unique 3-char code
* name VARCHAR Name of hazard process
------------------------------- ----------------- --------------------- ---------------- -----------------------------------------
cf_common.imt * process_code VARCHAR Unique 3-char code
* hazard_code VARCHAR Unique 2-char code
* im_code VARCHAR Alphanumeric code
* description VARCHAR Description of unit of measure
* units VARCHAR Unit of measure
------------------------------- ----------------- --------------------- ---------------- -----------------------------------------
cf_common.license * code VARCHAR Alphanumeric code
* name VARCHAR Name of license
notes TEXT Additional notes
* url VARCHAR License url reference
------------------------------- ----------------- --------------------- ---------------- -----------------------------------------
cf_common.iso * code VARCHAR ISO 3166 ALPHA-3 country code
* name VARCHAR Country name

The content of these common tables is as follows:

Table: cf_common.hazard_type

code name
CF Coastal Flood
CS Convective Storm
DR Drought
EQ Earthquake
ET Extreme Temperature
FL Flood
LS Landslide
MH Multi-Hazard
TS Tsunami
VO Volcanic
WF Wildfire
WI Strong Wind

Table: cf_common.process_type

code hazard_code name
FCF CF Coastal Flood
FSS CF Storm Surge
TOR CS Tornado
DTA DR Agricultural Drought
DTH DR Hydrological Drought
DTM DR Meteorological Drought
DTS DR Socio-economic Drought
Q1R EQ Primary Rupture
Q2R EQ Secondary Rupture
QGM EQ Ground Motion
QLI EQ Liquefaction
ECD ET Extreme cold
EHT ET Extreme heat
FFF FL Fluvial Flood
FPF FL Pluvial Flood
LAV LS Snow Avalanche
LSL LS Landslide (general)
TSI TS Tsunami
VAF VO Ashfall
VBL VO Ballistics
VFH VO Proximal hazards
VLH VO Lahar
VPF VO Pyroclastic Flow
WFI WF Wildfire
ETC WI Extratropical cyclone
TCY WI Tropical cyclone

Table: cf_common.imt

process_code hazard_code im_code description
QGM EQ PGA:g Peak ground acceleration in g
QGM EQ PGA:m/s2 Peak ground acceleration in m/s2
QGM EQ PGV:m/s Peak ground velocity in m/s
QGM EQ SA(0.2):g Spectral acceleration with 0.2s period
QGM EQ SA(0.3):g Spectral acceleration with 0.3s period
QGM EQ SA(1.0):g Spectral acceleration with 1.0s period
QGM EQ SA(3.0):g Spectral acceleration with 3.0s period
QGM EQ SA(0.2):m/s2 Spectral acceleration with 0.2s period
QGM EQ SA(0.3):m/s2 Spectral acceleration with 0.3s period
QGM EQ SA(1.0):m/s2 Spectral acceleration with 1.0s period
QGM EQ SA(3.0):m/s2 Spectral acceleration with 3.0s period
QGM EQ Sd(T1):m Spectral displacement
QGM EQ Sv(T1):m/s Spectral velocity
QGM EQ PGDf:m Permanent ground deformation
QGM EQ D_a5-95:s Significant duration a5-95
QGM EQ D_a5-75 :s Significant duration a5-75
QGM EQ IA:m/s Arias intensity (Iα) or (IA) or (Ia)
QGM EQ Neq:- Effective number of cycles
QGM EQ EMS:- European macroseismic scale
QGM EQ AvgSa:m/s2 Average spectral acceleration
QGM EQ I_Np:m/s2 I_Np by Bojórquez and Iervolino
QGM EQ MMI:- Modified Mercalli Intensity
QGM EQ CAV:m/s Cumulative absolute velocity
QGM EQ D_B:s Bracketed duration
FFF FL d_fff:m Flood water depth
FPF FL d_fpf:m Flood water depth
FFF FL v_fff:m/s Flood flow velocity
FPF FL v_fpf:m/s Flood flow velocity
TCY WI v_tcy(3s):km/h 3-sec at 10m sustained wind speed (kph)
ETC WI v_ect(3s):km/h 3-sec at 10m sustained wind speed (kph)
TCY WI v_tcy(1m):km/h 1-min at 10m sustained wind speed (kph)
ETC WI v_ect(1m):km/h 1-min at 10m sustained wind speed (kph)
TCY WI v_tcy(10m):km/h 10-min sustained wind speed (kph)
ETC WI v_etc(10m):km/h 10-min sustained wind speed (kph)
TCY WI PGWS_tcy:km/h Peak gust wind speed
ETC WI PGWS_ect:km/h Peak gust wind speed
LSL LS d_lsl:m Landslide flow depth
LSL LS I_DF:m3/s2 Debris-flow intensity index
LSL LS v_lsl:m/s2 Landslide flow velocity
LSL LS MFD_lsl:m Maximum foundation displacement
LSL LS SD_lsl:m Landslide displacement
LSL LS LSI:- Landslide susceptibility Index
LSL LS haz_lsl:- Landslide hazard index
TSI TS Rh_tsi:m Tsunami wave runup height
TSI TS d_tsi:m Tsunami inundation depth
TSI TS MMF:m4/s2 Modified momentum flux
TSI TS F_drag:kN Drag force
TSI TS Fr:- Froude number
TSI TS v_tsi:m/s Tsunami velocity
TSI TS F_QS:kN Quasi-steady force
TSI TS MF:m3/s2 Momentum flux
TSI TS h_tsi:m Tsunami wave height
TSI TS Fh_tsi:m Tsunami Horizontal Force
VAF VO h_vaf:m Ash fall thickness
VAF VO L_vaf:kg/m2 Ash loading
FSS CF v_fss:m/s Maximum water velocity
FSS CF d_fss:m Storm surge inundation depth
DTA DR CMI:- Crop Moisture Index
DTM DR PDSI:- Palmer Drought Severity Index
DTM DR SPI:- Standard Precipitation Index

Table: cf_common.license

code name description url
CC0 Creative Commons CCZero (CC0) Dedicate to the Public Domain (all rights waived)
CC BY 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY-4.0)
CC BY-SA 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA-4.0)
ODbL Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) Attribution-ShareAlike for data(bases)
ODC-By Open Data Commons Attribution License(ODC-BY) Attribution for data(bases)

Table: cf_common.iso

code name
ABW Aruba
AFG Afghanistan
AGO Angola
AIA Anguilla
ALB Albania
AND Andorra
ARE United Arab Emirates
ARG Argentina
ARM Armenia
ASM American Samoa
ATG Antigua and Barbuda
AUS Australia
AUT Austria
AZE Azerbaijan
BDI Burundi
BEL Belgium
BEN Benin
BFA Burkina Faso
BGD Bangladesh
BGR Bulgaria
BHR Bahrain
BHS The Bahamas
BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina
BLM Saint-Barthélemy
BLR Belarus
BLZ Belize
BMU Bermuda
BOL Bolivia
BRA Brazil
BRB Barbados
BRN Brunei
BTN Bhutan
BWA Botswana
CAF Central African Republic
CAN Canada
CHE Switzerland
CHL Chile
CHN People's Republic of China
CIV Ivory Coast
CMR Cameroon
COD Democratic Republic of the Congo
COG Republic of the Congo
COK Cook Islands
COL Colombia
COM Comoros
CPV Cape Verde
CRI Costa Rica
CUB Cuba
CUW Curaçao
CYM Cayman Islands
CYP Cyprus
CZE Czech Republic
DEU Germany
DJI Djibouti
DMA Dominica
DNK Denmark
DOM Dominican Republic
DZA Algeria
ECU Ecuador
EGY Egypt
ERI Eritrea
ESP Spain
EST Estonia
ETH Ethiopia
FIN Finland
FJI Fiji
FLK Falkland Islands
FRA France
FRO Faroe Islands
FSM Federated States of Micronesia
GAB Gabon
GBR United Kingdom
GEO Georgia
GGY Guernsey
GHA Ghana
GIB Gibraltar
GIN Guinea
GMB The Gambia
GNB Guinea-Bissau
GNQ Equatorial Guinea
GRC Greece
GRD Grenada
GRL Greenland
GTM Guatemala
GUM Guam
GUY Guyana
HKG Hong Kong
HMD Heard Island and McDonald Islands
HND Honduras
HRV Croatia
HTI Haiti
HUN Hungary
IDN Indonesia
IMN Isle of Man
IND India
IRL Ireland
IRN Iran
IRQ Iraq
ISL Iceland
ISR Israel
ITA Italy
JAM Jamaica
JEY Jersey
JOR Jordan
JPN Japan
KAZ Kazakhstan
KEN Kenya
KGZ Kyrgyzstan
KHM Cambodia
KIR Kiribati
KNA Saint Kitts and Nevis
KOR South Korea
KWT Kuwait
LAO Laos
LBN Lebanon
LBR Liberia
LBY Libya
LCA Saint Lucia
LIE Liechtenstein
LKA Sri Lanka
LSO Lesotho
LTU Lithuania
LUX Luxembourg
LVA Latvia
MAC Macau
MAF Saint Martin
MAR Morocco
MCO Monaco
MDA Moldova
MDG Madagascar
MDV Maldives
MEX Mexico
MHL Marshall Islands
MKD Republic of Macedonia
MLI Mali
MLT Malta
MMR Myanmar
MNE Montenegro
MNG Mongolia
MNP Northern Mariana Islands
MOZ Mozambique
MRT Mauritania
MSR Montserrat
MUS Mauritius
MWI Malawi
MYS Malaysia
NAM Namibia
NCL New Caledonia
NER Niger
NFK Norfolk Island
NGA Nigeria
NIC Nicaragua
NIU Niue
NLD Netherlands
NOR Norway
NPL Nepal
NRU Nauru
NZL New Zealand
OMN Oman
PAK Pakistan
PAN Panama
PCN Pitcairn Islands
PER Peru
PHL Philippines
PLW Palau
PNG Papua New Guinea
POL Poland
PRI Puerto Rico
PRK North Korea
PRT Portugal
PRY Paraguay
PSE Palestine
PYF French Polynesia
QAT Qatar
ROU Romania
RUS Russia
RWA Rwanda
SAU Saudi Arabia
SDN Sudan
SEN Senegal
SGP Singapore
SGS South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
SHN Saint Helena
SLB Solomon Islands
SLE Sierra Leone
SLV El Salvador
SMR San Marino
SOM Somalia
SPM Saint Pierre and Miquelon
SRB Serbia
SSD South Sudan
STP São Tomé and Príncipe
SUR Suriname
SVK Slovakia
SVN Slovenia
SWE Sweden
SWZ eSwatini
SXM Sint Maarten
SYC Seychelles
SYR Syria
TCA Turks and Caicos Islands
TCD Chad
TGO Togo
THA Thailand
TJK Tajikistan
TKM Turkmenistan
TLS East Timor
TON Tonga
TTO Trinidad and Tobago
TUN Tunisia
TUR Turkey
TUV Tuvalu
TZA Tanzania
UGA Uganda
UKR Ukraine
URY Uruguay
USA United States of America
UZB Uzbekistan
VAT Vatican City
VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
VEN Venezuela
VGB British Virgin Islands
VIR United States Virgin Islands
VNM Vietnam
VUT Vanuatu
WLF Wallis and Futuna
WSM Samoa
XXK Kosovo
YEM Yemen
ZAF South Africa
ZMB Zambia
ZWE Zimbabwe


ENUM name Types Description
  • Hazard
  • Exposure
  • Vulnerability
  • Loss
Which schema component the contribution refers to.
  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Industrial
  • Infrastructure
  • Healthcare
  • Educational
  • Government
  • Crop
  • Livestock
  • Forestry
  • Mixed occupancy
Common types related to asset occupancy.