Repository for the Open Data for Resilience Index, a website to track and improve the state of Open Data for Resilience worldwide.
I care for the global Open Data Index, which serves partially as a blueprint for the OpenDRI Index.
I remember I asked myself “what the beta version means?”, because I could not figure out if beta applied to the data as well.
I also remember it is quite easy to navigate and to explore countries.
OpenDRI Index compiles informations relative to the “preparedness” for disaster risk, and says if data are open data.
❓ “See for example, this country has 50% open data”, what does this mean?
🗣 I would check and compare with the method which leads to this number.
👎 I don’t think it is a good way to communicate openness ; instead of 50%, I’m rather interested in how findable, how well formatted and how legally accessible data are. Otherwise it does not make sense.
😄 The website looks better now.
🤔 Icon labels tell me what they mean (eg: I could not guess what the “computer” icon meant)
🤔 Regarding the labels, they use the “old questions”. On the Global Open Data Index, we use more user-friendly labels. Because what does “the data exist” mean? “A government agency produces the data” tells more about what it is about.
🔗 we are moving to a dataset_list.html
🗣 Here, my challenge is to figure out how to interpret data. What can I do with those datasets?
💡 Having datapoints requirements would be helpful in addition to the description (or if the description conveys this information). For example, a dataset might or might not be useful to me if it has a precise granularity enough (how much can I zoom?), if it encompass all the boundaries I expect, etc. “Administratice boundaries” is only a generic name; I expect it to tick some boxes to be sure I have an interest using it.
❓ What do the open data criteria apply to? To the government or organisation which publish the dataset? To me, to a user?
💡 It would be helpful to me to have a better idea of what it looks like, with a screenshot, for example, of the dataset, of its visualisation.
🤔 Datasets links are buried, it is one of the first thing I’m looking for.
🤬 Arg the navigation. I hit the “back button” and now I’m back to the homepage. It’s weird I cannot go back.
By providing more “meat”. I mean, use cases, more answers to the “whys”, what is expected by the listed datasets so I can make my way around.
More things related to the “what it is about”. For example, “administrative boundaries is something about …, its lowest level is… etc.”. The “Agricultural Production” description does a very good job at this.
🗣 As I said before, by making it easier to access the data. Also maybe, how they were assessed and results of their use.
🗣 What is this dataset useful for? What does it look like?
😖 Sometimes I click on a dataset link and I encounter HTTPS errors, or 404 pages.
💡 Give some examples about what can be done with the data for each category.
❓ What is the “place_holder” thingy on the “Documentation” page?
🙃 Ah, use cases, I found them, burried in the “Documentation” page.
❓ What does “Global data” means?
🙃 The “Documentation” link at the top? Ah, it is the methodology.
🗣 The “Register” link at the top? Sign up is a more active wording.
🤔 The homepage is all about “country” stuff. I would not guess there are multi-country datasets.
💡 X datasets | Y worldwide datasets | Z countries (instead of the X datasets | Y% open data | Z countries) |
🗣 It is pretty slick already.
😐 The filters? Well, I did not look into them.
😮 Oh, I can use the icons to filter?? I did not understand I could click.
🗣 Again, why does it matter if there is no “Vulnerability” data?
I’m not a “hover” person.
🗣 It does not communicate when it is absent.
Well, I already get it from the design of the table, which datasets are available or not.
👍 I quite like the length of the website, its details, its interface.
👍 It makes total sense to have “Global data”