GFDRR Open Source Mentoring Guide

GFDRR Open Source Mentoring Guide

View the Project on GitHub GFDRR/mentoring-guide

GeoNode Template Project Setup

Once you are comfortable using, installing and administering a GeoNode instance and doing basic customization, you should proceed to understanding how to deploy a custom GeoNode project and beginning to work toward your project’s goals by modifying GeoNode itself, adding new pluggable modules to it, or creating your own pluggable. Your mentor will guide you through the initial steps and then point you toward resources as you begin to build on top of the GeoNode platform. You will start with small changes and then build up as your own capabilities grow. Since you will be using GitHub, you, your team members and your mentor will collaborate on your custom project over time and can begin to work on your own Open Source projects that you can encourage others in the local and/or global community to contribute to.


Reference Material

Measures of Success